Worlds 2012, Elliott & Chris report's


Day One - Open Practice

We arrived in Argentina and made it through the customs easily without  any problems, We headed off to the Holiday Inn which was only about a  15 minute drive from the airport which was nice. We arrived at the  Holiday Inn at lunch time, which enabled us to have a look at the track  layout and it was looking rather good for us as this is the type of  European tracks we race on quite a lot so we had a good idea of where
we were going to go with the car to start with as Elliott never  attended the warm up race so we were starting from scratch compared to
some of the other competitors.

Day Two - 15 Minute Practice Session

We decided to leave the car in our normal setup we would run on most dirt tracks throughout Europe but decided to run the Novarossi Bonito
engine to start with, we matched with a 2096 pipe to get maximum power to
see where  we were with our fuel mileage etc.  As soon as Elliott hit the track  with his choice of tyres (AKA City blocks soft) he was immediately setting  some ballistic lap times.  The car looked really good and I think
Elliott was one of the fastest on that session, putting in one of the  fastest lap times. Both Mick and myself looked at each other and said
"did Elliott come to the warm up and not tell us"!  We were very  pleased to be on the pace straight away.

Day Three - 2 Rounds of Practice

Today we would be having two rounds of practice, again trying some  different set ups and tyre combinations and we decided to swap the
motor to a Novarossi BTTS with a 2096 pipe as the Bonito was giving us  too much power as the track was quite open but was quite hard to drive.  There were lots of various bumps which were catching the drivers out.

Day Four - Controlled Practice

We now had controlled practice which would give us the seeding for the  heats for the qualification so it was important for us to get in the
top heat and also do well in these timed practice sessions as there  were all kind of rumours flying around about bad weather coming in - we
wanted to make sure these practice sessions were good as they might be  used as part of qualification if the weather is too bad later on in the
week.  Again Elliott was setting some really fast times which gave us a  good position in the top heat.  We had a good look at the track as the
car was looking a little unstable and looking hard to drive and it was  important on this track to have a car that is easy to drive and not too
aggressive as the track was becoming quite hard in some places.  We  decided to change the setup of the car.  I had a good look at the track
and with the surface breaking up and lots of ruts appearing and bumps  in the corners it reminded me of the meeting we had in Italy earlier in
the year at the Novarossi Grand Prix where it was very hot, the same as  we had here in Argentina, and a similar surface.  We decided to put the
setup on that we had in Italy and the car was much easier to drive and  was really fast.  Now we were all set apart from choosing the tyres so
we opted for a medium compound with the red insert and to go with I  Beams all round.  These tyres had a lot of drive but were less
aggressive, which made the car well balanced and easy to drive.  That  was our choice for the qualifying as long as it stayed dry.


Qualifying we were looking quite lucky with the weather and we had six  rounds of qualification over the next few days to take us up to
Saturday so we were set and again Elliott was setting some very fast  times.  The first round we got fourth in the round which was a nice
time to have on the board to start.  The second round we unfortunately  had a few mistakes.  The third round Elliott TQ'd,  The fourth round we  got second and round five which would be his fastest run, putting him  15 seconds faster than any other driver (with some hold ups), which was  mighty impressive, we would have had a TQ in round three but due to bad  marshalling it cost him a lot of time.  We would still be able to be on  the top of the leader board after Q5 with one round left to go the  following day.  As predicted torrential rain and storm appeared.  The
organisers decided to cancel round six, which gave Elliott TQ overall.   A fantastic achievement and very pleased for everyone.

Semi Final

We decided to keep the car the same.  The track was now dry but  becoming more bumpy due to the amount of rain we had had and the early
finals being run.  We were in good shape being on pole position for our  semi final.  Elliott set off, unfortunately made a small error which  cost him a number of places on the first lap, but in no time at all he had regained fourth position, then our bad luck struck again and
unfortunately we had to retire due to a steering servo failure.  This  ended his Worlds campaign, which was a massive blow to him and the pit
crew and the rest of the team as I am sure we would have made it  through to the main final and certainly given Robert Batle a good run
for his money!  It was such a shame for everyone and for everyone in  the UK who were watching, with all the hope that we may have had a UK World Champion.  Unfortunately that's racing!

We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support and all  the sponsors ... Kyosho, AKA, Novarossi,FDL, LRP, Sanwa, SMD, Ghea Racing,  Racing Experience Fuel, Maugraphix, Bitty Design, Racer Magazine and a  special thanks to all the help that Mike Cradock had put in building  another fantastic car which straight away worked without any problems
at all.

Next stop The Italian Job in January in Padova, Italy.


Chris and Elliott Boots


Day One - Open Practice

We arrived in Argentina and made it through the customs easily without  any problems, We headed off to the Holiday Inn which was only about a  15 minute drive from the airport which was nice. We arrived at the  Holiday Inn at lunch time, which enabled us to have a look at the track  layout and it was looking rather good for us as this is the type of  European tracks we race on quite a lot so we had a good idea of where
we were going to go with the car to start with as Elliott never  attended the warm up race so we were starting from scratch compared to
some of the other competitors.

Day Two - 15 Minute Practice Session

We decided to leave the car in our normal setup we would run on most dirt tracks throughout Europe but decided to run the Novarossi Bonito
engine to start with, we matched with a 2096 pipe to get maximum power to
see where  we were with our fuel mileage etc.  As soon as Elliott hit the track  with his choice of tyres (AKA City blocks soft) he was immediately setting  some ballistic lap times.  The car looked really good and I think
Elliott was one of the fastest on that session, putting in one of the  fastest lap times. Both Mick and myself looked at each other and said
"did Elliott come to the warm up and not tell us"!  We were very  pleased to be on the pace straight away.

Day Three - 2 Rounds of Practice

Today we would be having two rounds of practice, again trying some  different set ups and tyre combinations and we decided to swap the
motor to a Novarossi BTTS with a 2096 pipe as the Bonito was giving us  too much power as the track was quite open but was quite hard to drive.  There were lots of various bumps which were catching the drivers out.

Day Four - Controlled Practice

We now had controlled practice which would give us the seeding for the  heats for the qualification so it was important for us to get in the
top heat and also do well in these timed practice sessions as there  were all kind of rumours flying around about bad weather coming in - we
wanted to make sure these practice sessions were good as they might be  used as part of qualification if the weather is too bad later on in the
week.  Again Elliott was setting some really fast times which gave us a  good position in the top heat.  We had a good look at the track as the
car was looking a little unstable and looking hard to drive and it was  important on this track to have a car that is easy to drive and not too
aggressive as the track was becoming quite hard in some places.  We  decided to change the setup of the car.  I had a good look at the track
and with the surface breaking up and lots of ruts appearing and bumps  in the corners it reminded me of the meeting we had in Italy earlier in
the year at the Novarossi Grand Prix where it was very hot, the same as  we had here in Argentina, and a similar surface.  We decided to put the
setup on that we had in Italy and the car was much easier to drive and  was really fast.  Now we were all set apart from choosing the tyres so
we opted for a medium compound with the red insert and to go with I  Beams all round.  These tyres had a lot of drive but were less
aggressive, which made the car well balanced and easy to drive.  That  was our choice for the qualifying as long as it stayed dry.


Qualifying we were looking quite lucky with the weather and we had six  rounds of qualification over the next few days to take us up to
Saturday so we were set and again Elliott was setting some very fast  times.  The first round we got fourth in the round which was a nice
time to have on the board to start.  The second round we unfortunately  had a few mistakes.  The third round Elliott TQ'd,  The fourth round we  got second and round five which would be his fastest run, putting him  15 seconds faster than any other driver (with some hold ups), which was  mighty impressive, we would have had a TQ in round three but due to bad  marshalling it cost him a lot of time.  We would still be able to be on  the top of the leader board after Q5 with one round left to go the  following day.  As predicted torrential rain and storm appeared.  The
organisers decided to cancel round six, which gave Elliott TQ overall.   A fantastic achievement and very pleased for everyone.

Semi Final

We decided to keep the car the same.  The track was now dry but  becoming more bumpy due to the amount of rain we had had and the early
finals being run.  We were in good shape being on pole position for our  semi final.  Elliott set off, unfortunately made a small error which  cost him a number of places on the first lap, but in no time at all he had regained fourth position, then our bad luck struck again and
unfortunately we had to retire due to a steering servo failure.  This  ended his Worlds campaign, which was a massive blow to him and the pit
crew and the rest of the team as I am sure we would have made it  through to the main final and certainly given Robert Batle a good run
for his money!  It was such a shame for everyone and for everyone in  the UK who were watching, with all the hope that we may have had a UK World Champion.  Unfortunately that's racing!

We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support and all  the sponsors ... Kyosho, AKA, Novarossi,FDL, LRP, Sanwa, SMD, Ghea Racing,  Racing Experience Fuel, Maugraphix, Bitty Design, Racer Magazine and a  special thanks to all the help that Mike Cradock had put in building  another fantastic car which straight away worked without any problems
at all.

Next stop The Italian Job in January in Padova, Italy.


Chris and Elliott Boots


Day One - Open Practice

We arrived in Argentina and made it through the customs easily without  any problems, We headed off to the Holiday Inn which was only about a  15 minute drive from the airport which was nice. We arrived at the  Holiday Inn at lunch time, which enabled us to have a look at the track  layout and it was looking rather good for us as this is the type of  European tracks we race on quite a lot so we had a good idea of where
we were going to go with the car to start with as Elliott never  attended the warm up race so we were starting from scratch compared to
some of the other competitors.

Day Two - 15 Minute Practice Session

We decided to leave the car in our normal setup we would run on most dirt tracks throughout Europe but decided to run the Novarossi Bonito
engine to start with, we matched with a 2096 pipe to get maximum power to
see where  we were with our fuel mileage etc.  As soon as Elliott hit the track  with his choice of tyres (AKA City blocks soft) he was immediately setting  some ballistic lap times.  The car looked really good and I think
Elliott was one of the fastest on that session, putting in one of the  fastest lap times. Both Mick and myself looked at each other and said
"did Elliott come to the warm up and not tell us"!  We were very  pleased to be on the pace straight away.

Day Three - 2 Rounds of Practice

Today we would be having two rounds of practice, again trying some  different set ups and tyre combinations and we decided to swap the
motor to a Novarossi BTTS with a 2096 pipe as the Bonito was giving us  too much power as the track was quite open but was quite hard to drive.  There were lots of various bumps which were catching the drivers out.

Day Four - Controlled Practice

We now had controlled practice which would give us the seeding for the  heats for the qualification so it was important for us to get in the
top heat and also do well in these timed practice sessions as there  were all kind of rumours flying around about bad weather coming in - we
wanted to make sure these practice sessions were good as they might be  used as part of qualification if the weather is too bad later on in the
week.  Again Elliott was setting some really fast times which gave us a  good position in the top heat.  We had a good look at the track as the
car was looking a little unstable and looking hard to drive and it was  important on this track to have a car that is easy to drive and not too
aggressive as the track was becoming quite hard in some places.  We  decided to change the setup of the car.  I had a good look at the track
and with the surface breaking up and lots of ruts appearing and bumps  in the corners it reminded me of the meeting we had in Italy earlier in
the year at the Novarossi Grand Prix where it was very hot, the same as  we had here in Argentina, and a similar surface.  We decided to put the
setup on that we had in Italy and the car was much easier to drive and  was really fast.  Now we were all set apart from choosing the tyres so
we opted for a medium compound with the red insert and to go with I  Beams all round.  These tyres had a lot of drive but were less
aggressive, which made the car well balanced and easy to drive.  That  was our choice for the qualifying as long as it stayed dry.


Qualifying we were looking quite lucky with the weather and we had six  rounds of qualification over the next few days to take us up to
Saturday so we were set and again Elliott was setting some very fast  times.  The first round we got fourth in the round which was a nice
time to have on the board to start.  The second round we unfortunately  had a few mistakes.  The third round Elliott TQ'd,  The fourth round we  got second and round five which would be his fastest run, putting him  15 seconds faster than any other driver (with some hold ups), which was  mighty impressive, we would have had a TQ in round three but due to bad  marshalling it cost him a lot of time.  We would still be able to be on  the top of the leader board after Q5 with one round left to go the  following day.  As predicted torrential rain and storm appeared.  The
organisers decided to cancel round six, which gave Elliott TQ overall.   A fantastic achievement and very pleased for everyone.

Semi Final

We decided to keep the car the same.  The track was now dry but  becoming more bumpy due to the amount of rain we had had and the early
finals being run.  We were in good shape being on pole position for our  semi final.  Elliott set off, unfortunately made a small error which  cost him a number of places on the first lap, but in no time at all he had regained fourth position, then our bad luck struck again and
unfortunately we had to retire due to a steering servo failure.  This  ended his Worlds campaign, which was a massive blow to him and the pit
crew and the rest of the team as I am sure we would have made it  through to the main final and certainly given Robert Batle a good run
for his money!  It was such a shame for everyone and for everyone in  the UK who were watching, with all the hope that we may have had a UK World Champion.  Unfortunately that's racing!

We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support and all  the sponsors ... Kyosho, AKA, Novarossi,FDL, LRP, Sanwa, SMD, Ghea Racing,  Racing Experience Fuel, Maugraphix, Bitty Design, Racer Magazine and a  special thanks to all the help that Mike Cradock had put in building  another fantastic car which straight away worked without any problems
at all.

Next stop The Italian Job in January in Padova, Italy.


Chris and Elliott Boots
